RERCOR (resources on rare diseases) is a portal of multilingual language resources in the field of biomedicine. It covers a wide range of diseases which are seeking increased visibility and to be given higher priority within public health care policies. Namely, rare diseases (RD) also referred to as orphan diseases.
The aim of RERCOR is to provide a set of multilingual tools which allow for a better knowledge of linguistic usage, especially terminology and collocations, within this medical subdomain. The significant number of RDs (more than 6000) and their varied consequences bring together a multitude of medical specialties (neurology, rehabilitation, trauma, surgery, cardiology, pneumology, anesthesiology, ophthalmology...) and a wide range of other areas related to healthcare in the broadest sense of the word (psychology, hygiene, dietetics, accessibility, patients’ quality of life...).
Given the multidisciplinary nature of this healthcare subdomain, the resources developed by our team should prove valuable to those translating, reviewing, writing and analyzing texts from the field of biomedicine and other related domains. The portal is intended for translators, interpreters and scientific writers (professionals or trainees) along with researchers and teachers in these fields.
RERCOR consists of:
- A corpora query application providing concordances as well as information on morphosyntax, collocations and context. It allows for selective data retrieval by means of extra-linguistic filters (date of publication, text genre and level of specialization). The following corpora are included and can be consulted either individually or together: MYOCOR 2.0 (Neuromuscular Diseases Corpus), EMCOR (Metabolic Diseases Corpus), ERCOR (Corpus of Rare Diseases Clinical Practice Guidelines), ORPHACOR (Orphan Drug Corpus), PRODAPCOR (Assistive Products Corpus) and TERAPCOR (Occupacional Therapy Corpus). These are parallel and comparable corpora in French, English and Spanish and they include texts published between 1993 and 2021.
- A vocabularies query application providing unified access to a set of glossaries and vocabularies (in French, English and Spanish) on neuromuscular diseases, inborn errors of metabolism, and assistive products.
The portal also includes a prototype writing assistant for texts on RDs.
You will find several video tutorials in the information tab (About) should you require assistance with your searches.
How should I cite RERCOR?
Sánchez Trigo, Elena & Varela Vila, Tamara (Dirs.): RERCOR: Recursos sobre enfermedades raras (version 3.1.2). Universidade de Vigo [Consulted: